I drink a lot of tea. I learned that from my parents. In my Maasai culture we prefer to drink tea with milk and sugar to mask the bitter taste.
What you need to do is mix some water with milk and tea leaves.
After boiling the mixture for 10 minutes, add a little sugar.
Today we have different flavors, but back in the day there was only black tea.
In Africa, the mother of the family boils black tea in a large pot.
There are one, two or sometimes six family members, and we drink tea together.
I can't live without tea, I really can't live without it.
It's addictive, I have to drink tea every day.
I think we are used to drinking tea all the time. Tea is relaxing.
The moment you drink tea, your mind relaxes.
Especially when you come home, after work.
Tea is the second largest export crop of our country.
I am told that Kenyan tea is one of the best teas in the world.
That's why I would like to ask people for our Kenyan tea to taste.
I encourage people like you to drink more tea.
You will have no regrets. Our tea is better than any other tea.
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The people behind Frank #3
The people behind Frank #2
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