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3 tips for a boost on Blue Monday

It's January 20, Blue Monday, but we don't care about that. Maybe this is even the ideal day to make a positive contribution to the world, because yes, that just feels good. So grab your tea mug, and be the boss of this day with these tips!

Tip 1: Drink caffeine

Drinking coffee or tea helps a bit to get through Blue Monday. Both coffee and tea contain caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and relieves fatigue and makes you more active. A kickstart for your Blue Monday! Caffeine is also a fat burner. That comes in handy after the holidays.

Are you bouncing around your home or office? Then take a cup of herbal tea, because this is caffeine-free. Well-known examples of herbal teas are: chamomile, rooibos or just a little spicy.

Tip 2: Guilty pleasure with tea

Forget those good intentions. Go for your ultimate guilty pleasure with tea. For example Rooibos Cheescake† These rooibos infused treats are deliciously creamy and bring you the best flavors of today. The appetizers are made with a rooibos-infused, pecan-walnut crust and then there's the filling….The recipe is here!

Tip 3: Work at home for a day in your jogging suit

The advantages are a quiet start to your day, no traffic jams or hassle with public transport and no colleagues who can just distract you. Working from home can actually increase your productivity and quality of work :)

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