We do a lot of things well, but we’re not (yet) 100% sustainable.
As a small(ish) company, we can’t yet guarantee all of our ingredients come from a sustainable source. The teas certainly do, but not all herbs do yet. That’s why from the beginning, we committed 2% of our revenues back to the farmers every year. Making sure we have measurable impact from the very beginning.
Tea is our main vehicle of impact though. These are the numbers:

On top, we spent 2% of our revenues. This is how we used them so far:
- Setting up 5 Farmer Field Schools in Kenya training farmers in climate adaptation, diversity of income and crops and building their own food gardens. This is all helping to make them better tea farmers PLUS enable them to make a living wage
- Funding 6 businesses from 6 farmer coops through our covid business plan competition
In the future, these revenues can be used to help transition a group of smallholder farmers towards organic certification and much more.
Our 2% is like a foundation, but without the expensive administration costs ;-)
Here are a few other things we’re working on. We like to be as transparant as possible with you, so please hold us accountable at any moment.

Together we can put an end to the exploitation of tea farmers! #Tastethechange
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